Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Fantasy Factory

A couple of days ago I was watching a marathon of the TV show, The Fantasy Factory, with Rob Dyrdek. I thought the show was a lot of fun and found myself laughing out loud quite a bit, but I also fell in love with Rob's enthusiasm for helping others discover and reach their dreams. I'm not saying that I agree with everything that Rob does in his make believe world, but I can say that his enthusiasm made me want to go serve others. This weekend I was lucky enough to be blessed with an opportunity to do so.

Unfortunately, I heard I missed an awesome wedding this weekend. And I am very happy for my cousin Michelle and her husband Jason. Instead, I was asked to participate in a retreat with the athletes, coaches, and sports administration of Asbury University. We got to do some really cool stuff and we got to serve the local community of Monticello, Kentucky as a group. I can say that I got to hang out and interact with people that I would have never got to know if it wasn't for the trip. I am happy for the new relationships that I formed, but I am even more excited to somewhat understand what it means to put others before myself. I am not quite at the point where I can be completely unselfish, but this weekend I watched others model the characteristic. It was a relief to see, especially in the world that we live in today. The entire weekend I studied and reflected on Philippians 2:1-3.

-So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

Although I am not Rob Dyrdek, I love having the opportunity to do something for someone else everyday. I hope that I can be more in tune to the guidance of Christ in my life and be of one mind and of the same love as other Christ follows. I challenge others to join me, call me, text me...let's go serve some people and become the hands of God's Fantasy Factory.

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